Living Your Life?

Harry Crabtree
2 min readApr 29, 2024
Photo by ISKRA Photography on Unsplash

I wrote out my post about lessons I’ve learnt so far, I’ve done this yearly for a few years now.

I’m going to expand on one of the lessons.

Possibly one of the most important to me anyway:

1/. The only person living your life is you, make sure you act like it.

I will repeat:

The only PERSON who is living your life is you!

This statement is both factually accurate and true in all senses.

You must understand the only person who has to get every morning and carry out the day is you, it’s your life, it’s not shared, it’s not part of some else’s. It’s your life.

It is your life to live.

People may fit into it, they may be partners, they may be parents, they may be any other word for trusted individuals but they are not the ones living it.

They are living their own, so do not get caught out letting others have power over the path your life takes.

Answer these questions,

  • are you living a life you have set the vision for?
  • is the life your living, your own?
  • Or pre-ordained by another?
  • did you decide the path you are going down?



Harry Crabtree

Write @ Entrepreneur. Investor. Writer. Cryptocurrency. Technology Writer, Approaching Business in 2023. Writing online. Community.